Applied Design Patterns with Java

Behavioral :: Memento (283) {C ch 21}


The following implementation issues are relevant to the Memento pattern:

  1. Language support. Mementos have two interfaces: a wide one for originators and a narrow one for other objects. Ideally the implementation language will support two levels of static protection. C++ lets you do this by making the Originator a friend of Memento and making Memento's wide interface private. Only the narrow interface should be declared public. Java does not support friend; however, the Java JDK does have a Serializable interface, which any class can implement to privately write an object's state to a file or stream.
  2. Storing incremental changes. When Mementos get created and passed back to their originator in a predictable sequence, then Memento can save just the incremental change to the originator's internal state. For example, undoable commands in a history list can use Mementos to ensure that commands are restored to their exact state when they're undone (Command (233). The history list defines a specific order in which commands can be undone and redone. That means Mementos can store just the incremental change that a command makes rather than the full state of every object they affect.

Related Patterns

Command (233): Commands can use Mementos to maintain state for undoable operations.

Iterator (257): Memento
s can be used for iteration.

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