Applied Design Patterns with Java
Behavioral :: Iterator (257) {C ch 19}
Example - Java :: Patterns\Behavioral\Iterator
Pattern Concept: to allow moving through a list or collection of objects using a standard interface, and without knowing the internal representation details of these objects. The Iterator pattern is useful because it provides a way to move through a set of elements without exposing the design of the element's classes. An Iterator is thus a logical navigation object.
An interface Iterator structure is used to operate on elements of type Object. Remember that all objects in Java ultimately derive from Object. Java 2 has such an interface Iterator already defined:
public interface Enumeration {
public boolean hasMoreElements();
public Object nextElement();
Here is a subset of the interface tree listing from the Java 2 help system:
This Enumeration type is used in Java 2 Vector and Hashtable classes; both contain a method that returns an enumeration:
public Enumeration elements();
Any instance of Vector, Hashtable, or any classes that derive from them, has this method available. The use of the Enumeration interface is the preferred way to build a Java Iterator. Java 2 also has an interface Iterator, which has the added feature of allowing the user to remove an element from a list.
Example - UML : KidEnumeration
Here is Cooper's Class Diagram for the application using this logic,
followed by the Rose equivalent:
The example Java program is called 'KidEnumeration'.
The UML diagram is above, and the list of Java files is below:
Issues and consequences of the Iterator pattern include: