Applied Design Patterns with Java

Behavioral :: Interpreter (243) {C ch 18}

Given a language, define a represention for its grammar along with an Interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.

If a particular problem occurs often, it might be worthwhile to express instances of the problem as sentences in a simple language, and then build an interpreter that solves the problem by interpreting these sentences. Searching for strings that match a pattern is a common problem. Regular expressions are a standard language for specifying patterns of strings. Rather than building custom algorithms to match each pattern against strings, search algorithms could interpret a regular expression that specifies a set of strings to match.

Interpreter pattern describes how to define a grammar for simple languages, represent sentences in the language, and interpret these sentences. The pattern describes how to define a grammar for regular expressions, represent a particular regular expression, and how to interpret that regular expression. Suppose the following grammar defines the regular expressions:

expression ::= literal | alternation | sequence | repetition |
'(' expression ')'
alternation ::= expression '|' expression
sequence ::= expression '&' expression
repetition ::= expression '*'
literal ::= 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... { 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | ... }*

The symbol
expression is the start symbol, and literal is a terminal symbol defining simple words. The Interpreter pattern uses a class to represent each grammar rule. Symbols on the right-hand side of the rule are instance variables of these classes. The grammar above is represented by five classes: an abstract class RegularExpression and its four subclasses LiteralExpression, AlternationExpression, SequenceExpression, and RepetitionExpression. The last three classes define variables that hold subexpressions.

Every regular expression defined by this grammar is represented by an abstract syntax tree made up of instances of these classes. This abstract syntax tree

represents the regular expression

raining & (dogs | cats) *

Create an interpreter for these regular expressions by defining the Interpret operation on each subclass of RegularExpression. Interpret takes as an argument the context in which to interpret the expression. The context contains the input string and information on how much of it has been matched so far. Each subclass of RegularExpression implements Interpret to match the next part of the input string based on the current context. For example:

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