Applied Design Patterns with Java
Behavioral Design
- Chain
of Responsibility (223) {C ch 16} allows
decoupling between objects by passing requests from object to object in a chain
- Command (233) {C ch 17}
uses simple objects to represent the execution of software
commands, and supporting logging and 'undo' tasks
- Interpreter (243) {C ch
18} provides a definition of how to include
language elements in a program
- Iterator (257) {C ch 19}
formalizes how to sequentially move through a list of data
within a class, without exposing the underlying representation
- Mediator (273) {C ch 20}
defines how communication between objects can be simplified
by using a separate object to keep the other objects from knowing of each other, allowing varying the interactions independently
- Memento (283) {C ch 21}
allow managing saving data about an object so it can be
restored later
- Observer (293) {C ch 22}
defines how multiple objects can be notified of a change
in one object they all depend on
- State (305) {C ch 23}
allows an object to modify its behavior when its internal
state changes, so that the object appears to change
its class
- Strategy (315) {C ch 24}
encapsulates an algorithm inside of a class, extending to a family of interchangeable algorithms
- Template Method
(325) {C ch 25} provides an abstract skeleton
definition of an algorithm, whose definition can be deferred to subclasses
- Visitor (331) {C ch 26}
adds polymorphic functions to a class non-invasively by
specifying operations implemented by subtypes
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