Applied Design Patterns with Java

The Gang of Four's original Design Patterns work was published in 1995, BEFORE the emergence of the UML O-O notation, and the Java programming Language (both emerged in 1997). Instead, the work used OMT, a precursor O-O notation, and C++ for coding examples.

It is important to understand that Design Patterns for the most part are not dependent on any O-O diagramming notation or O-O programming language. This course will use UML and Java to explore the core 23 Design Patterns. Whenever some notation or language dependency in the text is an issue, the variance in UML and Java will be covered.

Since the course is lab based, an O-O Software Engineering tool is used, Rational Rose. Actual UML model files of the Design Patterns are used. For each pattern, an example in Java is presented, consisiting of sets of classes. These source files compile and run in the current release of Sun Microsystem's Java, and are available for reuse in building applications.

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